#15 - Guys In A Garage - Chad Resler & Dante Alexander

2 months ago

Holy cow is this episode a barrel of fun. Grinders prepare for a lot of laughs and a few minutes of seriousness with Chad Resler and Dante Alexander. They came by to hang out and bullshit for a  bit and being the music lovers we are turned into a sort of sudo music review. We also touched on a few other things like marketing,  "offensive" TV, marriage, holidays with presents, boat races and mud bogs, Aunt Jemima and Indian casinos, a discussion about racism, some of our favorite bands and songs and more. A lot of laughs and a good time with these guys.

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Theme music used in the show was obtained from Pixabay for free use.

Podcast cover photo was originally created by DALL-E 2, with text overlay added by David Bourgeois.

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