The Pyramid of Power – Chapter 1 – Origins of Compulsory Education

2 months ago

We have a Prussian Model of Education - The Prussian education system was created in the 18th century to produce citizens who were obedient, respectful of hierarchy, and devoted to the state. 

It was designed to indoctrinate children into compliance with the state and its military leaders. The system was a response to Prussia's military failings in the Napoleonic Wars.

The Rockefeller’s thought this was a great model for America so they could condition the minds to comply with Authority.

In 1858 Massachusetts passed compulsory education. By 1918 every other state had passed their own forms of mandatory education.

In the late 1800’s, John D. Rockefeller Sr. was one of the wealthiest and most hated men alive. He owned Standard Oil Company, he had a total monopoly on both Drilling Oil and Transporting Oil. He acquired so much wealth that he took control of America’s Education System.

In 1902, he found the General Education Board with the help from Frederick T. Gates.

Senator Aldridge helped this also and his son was married to Rockefeller’s daughter.

He helped establish the Federal Reserve in 1913.

The Rockefeller’s would give $180 million to fund the board. That is a lot of money for over 100 years ago.

A couple names to become familiar with – John Rockefeller Jr and Daniel Coit Gilman – members of Education Board.

Gilman was cofounder of the Russell Trust Association – this is the business name for the New Haven Connecticut “Skull & Bones” secret society which operates a secret society at Yale University.

After about 50 years of existence, the General Board of Education was absorbed into the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Rockefeller’s were not the only ones interested in controlling the educational system and Universities. In 1905, Andre Carnegie founded the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Rockefeller and Carnegie were two extremely wealthy families and they put up an illusion that they deeply cared for the poor. They created multiple philanthropy and educational organizations.

They took the Prussian Methodology of Education – which is nothing more than brainwashing and mind control techniques used to manage the masses.

The whole scheme of Prussian Elementary Education is shaped with the express purpose of making 95 out of every 100 citizens subservient to the ruling house and to the state. (They flat out say this.)

Here is what Rockefeller’s right hand man Frederick T. Gates says: “In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand.”

In case you didn’t get that, he is bragging about how easy it is program people to be slaves.

He goes on to say: “We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers of men of learning or science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. Nor will our ambition be to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply. Our task is to train these people as we find them for a perfectly ideal life just the way they are.”

In short, he is saying we are going to make these people DUMB and they will be content and even believe they are smart.

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt – author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” believed that Andrew Carnegie Foundation planned this

John Taylor Gatto – (books listed below) believes that the schools teach memorization and not critical thinking and this educations in schools make children emotionally and intellectually dependent.

Gatto says: “What I’m trying to describe, that what has happened to our schools was inherent in the original design for a planned economy and a planned society laid down so proudly at the end of the nineteenth century.” P. 24 -- #3 book.

In an interview John Taylor Gatto says: “Schools are a dangerous place, they retard intellectual development, they retard moral development, they bankrupt communities… and the epidemic of national obesity can be traced to the school cafeteria.”

He says American Forced Schooling is the design of Corporate Foundations.

School should not be compulsory – says John Taylor Gatto.

Check the Books out Below.

Books on our Prussian Educational System:

1. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America – Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt --

2. Dumbing us Down – The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling – John Taylor Gatto --

3. The Underground History of American Education – John Taylor Gatto --

4. Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence Secretly Exploit America's Universities – Daniel Golden – “go to Anna’s Archive” -

5. The Prussian Elementary Schools – Thomas Alexander --

Source: The Conscious Resistant Network --

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END. 12/21/2024 3:00 PM

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