Very Disappointed in my Fellow Humanity as 2024 closes.

2 months ago

I know how Noah must of felt.

100 Years of preaching and warning his fellow Brethren, Friends,. Foes, Humanity and only 8 were saved and they were all family members when that Global Flood came.

I have since January 2021 stood for many many hours (Hundreds) on street corners with over 35 Signs that I have made to warn Humanity about Eternity, current and near future dangers, and Biblical Truths.
I have regularly spoken at freedom events with the churched and unchurched.
Geopolitics = Biblical End Times Prophecy.

I have Picketed Church entrances on Sundays where Apostasy is rife in their worship music, and their unbiblical man made/centered teachings. Churches with no discernment, who adopt worldly ways QR Codes, with false bibles and corrupted teachings in the NAR deception, seeker friendly, emergent church, prosperity gospel deceptions.

Soul winning is where it is with a KJB in hand and sound biblical salvation tracts to distribute on the highways and byways in public spaces. Where Sinners congregate in Church and out of it who need to truly be saved.

Do you Know not all who die who regularly are in church will be found in the Book of Life?

Having a Global awareness of where this world is soon headed and its many pitfalls to overcome and ready to proclaim it to all who will listen.


This online community that sees this content but understands seemingly NOTHING.

UNRESPONSIVE, unquestioning even, WALKING DEAD.

If I have offended you, so be it.

WAKE UP... There are things in your KJB that you must Know.

At the end of the day.

Even those that do claim to know their Bibles.

And would dismiss my claims with a wave of the hand with no thought.
"Condemnation prior to investigation is the Highest form of ignorance"

They know not the King James Bible in its Full Context.

Books, Chapters, Verses.

The language of letters and words.

The language of Numbers. It's all math's.

Counting one by one to find out the account. Ecclesiastes chapter 7.

The 666th book of the Old Testament. King James Bible.

And the revelatory journey that then can put one on in this final generation before Christ sets up his millennial kingdom with or without you.

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