Men and the Tools They Make and Use - 24-1217

2 months ago

Men and the Tools They Make and Use - 24-1217

alsamahi - Flying car road race on SkySurfer Aircraft Flight Vehicle. [📹 hunterkowald]

atensnut - Wow!! Now That’s how you clear the Kudzu

BrianRoemmele - Garage made 3D printed rover to drone.

DamnThatsInter - Chiengora, also called 'dog wool,' is yarn or wool spun from dog hair Watch a visualisation of pet hair being recycled into a ‘jumper’

DamnThatsInter - Level of engineering inside a plane 📹 max8captain

DamnThatsInter - Oil rig workers going home

DamnThatsInter - Using a robot to clean grease from a restaurants kitchen extractor duct

froggyups - View from a B-29 cockpit. [📹 sportyspilotshop]

h_eecham - Runaway truck escape ramps serve as emergency solution

AtmoSphere not AtmoFlat

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