Baby Tries To Climb A Dog, Falls Down Hilariously

6 years ago

If you have a baby and a doggo, you know that the bond between them can be super strong. According to some studies, babies can understand dogs. Although perceived as man’s best friend, the chances are greater that dogs are actually babies’ best friends. Plus, scientists (those guys love dogs nearly as much as we do!) proved that dogs are smart as toddlers. It’s no wonder why babies and dogs enjoy talking to each other so much! So it’s no wonder this little baby from or video decided to climb a dog. Perhaps she wanted a kiss or a hug, or maybe just some company. However, while trying to climb up on the dog, the baby tumbled on his back! LOL! Poor little fella! Babies are so clumsy, right? They are like drunk little people! You never know what to expect from them! This one is a fine example of it! LOL! I just hope that this little cutie is fine and well after the fall!

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