How To Walk In Joy - 12/08/2024 | The How To...Series |

2 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

The How To...Series

"How To Walk In Joy" - (Nehemiah 8.10)

Joy is directly related to the goodness of God

I - Why Do We Have Joy? - (Luke 2.8-14) (Isaiah 9.6)

Salvation born in the form of a baby

II - Step Into Joy - (Psalm 16.11) (John 15.11)

Joy is not dependent upon my circumstances!

(lsaiah 43.1-8)

III - Walk Into Joy - (Psalm 119.71) (2 Corinthians 12.8-10) (Nehemiah 8.10)

How To Walk In Joy

1. Humble Yourself

2. Spend Time With God

3. Ask For It

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