Saline County Hardliners Episode 8

2 months ago

Hey Hardliners We are Back on our Arkansas First News Debut. You know the Drill. We are a Christian faith, Conservative driven, grassroot based Podcast bringing you local and national news at the Down home level. At the time of recording we at the Saline county were awaiting News of when and if Jenifer Lancaster would be removed from her position and the Party, as well as the fate of the Saline County Republican Committee. In the mean time We prepare for the New RPA Elections. We have our own fire brand Kandi Cox the head of the Saline County Republican Women’s committee Running for the First Vice Chair. Mike Shnaekel chair of the Hot springs county committee making a bid for the Chair for the RPA. And Randy Sams our former State committee men. We get in to the muck and the drama. But there is hope in Arkansas First News, The Saline County Committee may be disbanded but we will stay connected and keep bringing you the Truth!!!! Hard Liners Stay Strong!

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