The Arcturian Role & the Human Role ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

2 months ago

Daniel Scranton
Copyright © Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very fortunate to know you all at this time, because we get to experience you as you are now and you as you will become. We get to experience the ride, the journey with you, and to see your growth and be a part of it is tremendously rewarding for us. We want you to know that we do have something that we get out of all of this. We do get to experience the journey with you and proudly notice when you take something that we have offered and use it to become more of your true and whole selves. We like illuminating the path for you.

We like reminding you who you really are, and we know that who you are becoming is magnificent. We see you as your fifth-dimensional selves, and we hold that space for you so that you can feel into the energies that we are sending and know when you are on the right path towards your fifth-dimensional higher self. You are amazing beings who decided to lower your vibration so that you could have that experience there on Earth, and we are all benefiting from every bit of the experiences you are having. You are as well, but you don't always take the benefits right away.

When you are doubting yourselves, doubting your path, and not sure whether you are going to make it, do remember those of us who are in the higher realms who are absolutely benefiting from you making it, and the help that we are giving you in that moment of surrendering, to the help that you are getting from above, you are simply allowing yourselves to become who you have always been.

We cannot take the credit for you becoming who you have always been. We are just playing our role here in the ninth dimension, and we are reminding you of your Arcturian selves that are very active in this moment and helpful to you as individuals. As a collective, of course, you are beginning to see one another as mirrors, as reflections, and that's a very good thing. We know that you like thinking about your Pleiadian selves and your Sirian selves. You like thinking about your Andromedan selves and your Arcturian selves, but all of those other people on the planet with you also represent an aspect of you, and they are to be embraced as well.

They are also helping to make you whole by reminding you that there's something within you that needs to be healed or forgiven. We invite you to embrace all of them as much as you embrace us and all the help from the higher realms that you get, because the help that they give you by being exactly who they are is huge. It's enormous, and you all owe each other so much by playing the roles for one another that you play.

This is a group effort, and our ascension is a universal ascension. We are all playing our roles. When you realize that, you realize you don't have the world on your shoulders, and you can relax a little more and allow the natural process of ascension to continue.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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