Harvey’s Night Fly

2 months ago

using the recipe in The Founding Flies by Mike Valla

Hook: #2/0 - 8 extra long
Tail: optional, two stiff hackle tips back to back, short
Rib: black or dark dun oversized hackle, palmered
Body: black dubbing or chenille, full and tapered
Collar: tight wrap of rib hackle or additional black or dard dun rooster hackle
Wings: Pheasant body feathers, tied in one on each side of shank with shiny outside toward shank so they flare outward (kickers)

Head cement recipe:
Xylene (epoxy thinnner)

Fill a quart jar half full with Xylene
Squeeze a tube of Goop into the Xylene
Shake until the Goop is dissolved; add Xylene to desired consistency

Apply with a pin or needle dipped in the liquid


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