Nufftingz Shorts - Catching A Wild Spotlight Hour Hundo Bergmite

2 months ago

Pokémon GO is a free-to-play mobile application developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. The game was initially released on July 6th 2016. In Pokémon GO, players catch various Pokémon, evolve them using candies, and power up them in order to battle. These Pokémon are mapped to locations in the real world using GPS technology. PokéStops located at various real-world landmarks aid in this by distributing items for use in catching and battling with Pokémon.

Bergmite (Japanese: カチコール Kachikohru) is an Ice-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.

It evolves into Avalugg starting at level 37.

In Hisui, it evolves into Hisuian Avalugg starting at level 37.
Bergmite is a quadrupedal Pokémon with a white, round body and nubby legs. Its upper half is encased in a slightly transparent, pale blue chunk of ice. Its eyes, which are yellow with purple rings surrounding them, are visible through the ice. The ice itself forms a large triangle with smaller spikes on its forehead and hind end. Despite its chunky appearance, it is capable of swimming.

Bergmite can create cold air, which is used to repair cracks in its icy coating. This air reaches temperatures as cold as −150 degrees Fahrenheit (−100 degrees Celsius) and can be used to freeze enemies. Bergmite lives in herds on snowy mountain tops and can sometimes be found huddled on the back of an Avalugg, freezing itself in place as the Avalugg carries it to new habitats. Bergmite quarrels with Frigibax whenever they encounter each other.

Bergmite evolves into Avalugg.

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