Kingdom Hearts III (PS4) - Dark Riku No Damage CM LV1/All Pro Codes Restrictions

12 hours ago

Dark Riku was actually quite fun to fight once I figured out not to lock-on to him too soon. Just dodge roll away as soon as he's done with his desperation move then lock-on once it's safe. This small trick also helps with using Block + Counter Slash during Dark Riku's desperation move.

Take off Combo Master because it'll make using Block + Counter Slash during Dark Riku's desperation move much easier with less mistakes. Block fails can still happen, but at least you won't accidentally attack into something after doing Counter Slash and end up dying.


Critical Mode
Level 1
Kingdom Key
No Damage
No Armor
No Accessories
No Magic except for Last Charge
No Keyblade Upgrades
No Stat Boosters
No Cuisine
Must have all Pro Codes Enabled
Counter Slash Finish
Desperation Move Finish

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