New Jersey Drones: Nuclear Threat or Project Blue Beam?

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Are the drones over New Jersey a nuclear threat, “Project Blue Beam” in action, or something else entirely?

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The UFO or drone activity over New Jersey is only heating up, with more drones surveying the area. Every resident around there desperately wants answers, from Bethenny Frankel (who was on The Real Housewives of New York City) to President Trump to even military personnel. The latest theory is that the drones could be looking for spilled radioactive material, which could explain why they’re only coming out at night. Bizarrely, one resident explained how the lights from these drones were as bright as daylight.

Aside from radioactive material, could this be ushering in the beginning of Project Blue Beam? Hear what Project Blue Beam really is and why everyone is so afraid of it. Join Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts on this Edge of Wonder Live. At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV. See you out on the edge!

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