Anyone Pretending Biden is the Real Joe is a MORON or an Evil DECIEVER. O'Keefe & NNN

2 months ago

Anyone Pretending Biden is the Real Joe is a MORON or an Evil DECIEVER. O'Keefe & NNN on Biden Disability
NNN Proclaiming Biden is DEAD is Shameless Click bait Misinformation. What a Twit.
From James O'Keefe, to Gary Franche, to Donald Trump and every damn Shill on TV and the Alt Media. Pretending that Fake Joe Biden WAS EVER REAL IS A FOOL OR A TRAITOR.
Never Forget that Trump LET AN IMPOSTER STEAL THE WHITE HOUSE. Never a Single Denouncement by Trump about the Biden Imposter alone PROVES Trump is part of the Deep State Deception of America.
And James O'Keefe is as Corrupt as they Come. Any of his work should ALWAYS Be Held Extremely Suspect at best.
This is all a Sick Joke...
BREAKING: "Biden Is Dead" - White House Official's Secret Recording Confirms Everyone's Worst Fears
165,253 views Dec 17, 2024
The Next News Network
In this explosive segment from Next News Network's RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi reveals shocking undercover footage that confirms what millions of Americans have long suspected about President Biden's true condition. A National Security Council advisor, caught on hidden camera, has just blown the lid off the White House's biggest cover-up. Henry Appel, who works at the Intelligence Programs Directorate for the NSC, was caught in a James O'Keefe sting operation admitting the unthinkable: "Biden is dead. He can't say a sentence." This isn't some random staffer or disgruntled employee - this is a former spy currently working inside the White House's national security apparatus. The footage gets worse. Appel reveals that Biden recently called the NSC office looking for Jake Sullivan, even as Sullivan was traveling with him on the same trip. Even more disturbing: Biden called back 10 seconds later, completely forgetting he'd just had the same conversation. Medical experts are now speaking out. A Democrat Parkinson's specialist told NBC News he could "diagnose him from across the mall." Dr. Jill Stein, a former medical doctor, confirms seeing clear signs of early Alzheimer's. Even Tucker Carlson stated plainly what everyone knows: "The president is senile. That's not an attack - everyone knows it."
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