The Power of God's Peace | Brian Gibbs [December 14th, 2024]

2 months ago

Personal Revival, Nation Awakening & Generational Reformation

God's peace transcends all understanding. With all the entertains we face in the world, God promised that His people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. This is an hour where we must be anchored in the supernatural peace of the Lord. It is also a time for mature discernment, soberness and being alert. Do not be overtaken by the weaponizing of fear and the fear psychology (PSYOP) coming out of DC. They want us to be afraid and anxious of what's coming next — drones, UFO's, bombs, energy crisis, climate crisis, food shortages, infectious disease crisis, human extinction crisis. We do not yield and comply with the voices of dread and death. Make no mistake — fear is dangerous. As sons and daughters of the Living God, we are to give no place to fear. Never tolerate fear. Never let fear bully you, beat you or buy you. We are to break every agreement and concession to the spirit of fear. God has given us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Join Pastor Brian in this candid and encouraging new message.

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