2 months ago

Elphie the Fairy and the Ant People

Telepathic conversations, reading channeled writing with Elphie answering questions and conversation with psychic intuitive, Yvette Stables: delving deeper into who these inner-earth beings are and why they are in contact:

“You want to know whether we are real fairies or members of the elven inner earth civilisation?

Some of this you know: elves retreated to the planes of inner earth after the major destructions took place above in the heavens and upon the surface. They folded themselves into a dimensional reality not accessible by your selves. In that, they continued to flourish and multiply, but entirely separate from your ‘Earthly’ civilisation. We are a part of that. Have you heard of the ‘ant people”? The Hopi speak of us. We are that; the antennae on our heads indicate this. Small, yes, and larger now too, we come in a few shapes and sizes. And we move across the barriers. The fae: gnomes, pixies, fairies- we bear those names. Now open your mind a little more, we are trying to bend it open to let you see more of what we are and how we work.

A transitional reality such as you are currently living in, bears multiple points of entry for us: we ‘enter’ your world through the cameras you now hold in your pockets- they are able to ‘see’ what your eyes have been trained to ignore. The tremors of Spring, when all that was a sleep; sap, leaf, root, bud and blossom, come rising back up through the twigs…we ‘mess’ with that.
We ‘mess’ with the winds- the air, with the waters, the rain and with the soil populations. We create the atmospheres needed for the plants to grow

Think of your work as an adult parent: your job is to provide the nourishment your children need. Food, clothing, warmth, interesting situations to challenge their intelligence and physicality and the great warm blanket of love. With that given, your child flourishes. Take that away and they wither and die, first emotionally then physically, through disease and neglect.

You may hold that a gardener is the one providing that for the plants in your world- well, yes, indeed they do. But how many acres of land are managed by gardeners? How may billions of acres are left in their ‘natural state’? That is where we work. You may come to feel and some of you see us in your gardens, or in your farms, if you treat the soil lovingly. We will show you how delighted we are at your sensitive choices. In the farms, where the animals are still treated with love, we will accompany the farmers; whispering encouragement when they apply a natural fertiliser or stroke their cows and whisper sweet songs to them. And those farms may prosper and be valued by all who obtain their food from them.

And then we have the wilds: the moors, the heaths, the forests, the marshes, the mountains and the inaccessible valleys. There we dwell and work, quite openly, with animal and tree and plant and soil.
We are saddened by the false winds which play across your world, the false waters which fall and the false seeds which are set to grow. We rail at these and we seek minds like yourselves to open windows into a better way of doing things. Now is the big turbulence. The world is turning over. The scrum to hold the power and the souls is very real. We are seeking to return to a more open ‘management’ of the processes of nature, just as many of you seek to return to your full selves. Where there was once a dance between fae and folk, a wall of resistant anger has been placed. People are angry when you even mention us- as you have seen recently with your video appearance. Many loved what you had to say. Many were challenged and sought to bring you to ridicule, fearful for maintaining their own sanity in the world gone mad. Science, the big trap of fearful minds, eager to comply with everyone else, too afraid to speak out.

What we do, when we ‘do’, is bring things together. We monitor the soils. When we need new supplies, we call in the insects and arthropods: with their chitinous composition, and colour, each brings a different mineral compilation to the soil when their small bodies die and decay. We can attract from a distance small ‘herds’ of these beings to populate specific areas. We are balancers of this complex population. To water, we communicate as a living sentience; we know what capacity water has to store and bring information from place to place. We read the structure of the water, to know where populations of specific beings are, to read the chemical balance of ph and minerals in each place. This is our work.

And our work direct with plants? With their growth and spread and harvests of flower, fruit, berry and nut- we encourage a certain output, a certain reach, a certain spread.

From what do we live, you ask? We do not need the industry and money-systems of your surface. We have clothing and household goods, we have homes and schools and places of worship and greeting. Yes. We have buildings and cities and roads. Do we sleep in flowers, curled up like small babies, waiting to be soaked by the morning dew- as in your fairy stories?

We have society. We live simply, but with intent and purpose. We were here first; earth-caretakers, spinners of the natural world, our playthings the plants and trees and animals.

And do we speak and communicate with other members of the soil, you ask? With the rocks and the metals and the crystals? Each of these with consciousness, speaks in its own way- just as the whales, the great beasts of the ocean hold great intelligence, populating the oceans for their own purpose of expansion. The memory-holders of love and compassion, seeing the ‘arc’ of human experience for what it has become- brief. Yet holding true to the template for this world, much as we do, in our wild places.
But the crystals are cosmic beings: dust of stars, miraculous flowerings of basic matter-building, forming extraordinary shapes and flowers and colours, deep within the soil. We are not of their realm, but like water, we correspond with their collective minds. They too store and amplify: the Earth energy-systems are based upon their populations. Nestled within her skin, the Earth sanctuaries their communities. Musical instruments of transmission, colours, density, formation, mineral content, influence the song venturing forth from the Earth herself. Her breath passes through their families and spreads out into the atmosphere, the soil being the skin on this drum.

We speak and transmit through these networks. The hyper-speed transport you have heard of, is made possible by this energetic framework. Energy is both stored and released, and we ‘borrow’ some of this, as our vehicles pass each crystal-bed by.

Technology and Us: a question you raise frequently. How do we integrate technology and nature? How do we speak with spirits of tree and plant? How do you?
You set yourself to a quiet internal state of receptivity and then from there, reach towards the living essence of whatever it is you wish to commune with. The resonance you tap into is your intention materialised. From that point, you can feel, or clairaudiently hear or clairvioyantly see, and receive information. We differ, in that we see and hear more clearly- we have less disturbance in the transmission, as we can attune ourselves to the soul-essence with greater ease. This is why we are difficult for you to see- we are attuned to a higher range on the emf spectrum.

Back to technology and us: for what do we use tech? Our vehicles, some of our harvesting and food production, is aided by this. You hear these terms, “advanced civilisations”, blanket assertions, covering all, telling little. Our scale bewilders you still. Wait until you see more with your friend, that will clear many of your mind-muddles. “



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