Women Are the Original Billionaires

3 hours ago

When I first watched the movie Elysium years ago, I was too young and immature to understand it, and claimed I didn't care for the movie. There were things about it that disturbed me and I'd wished the story had been different. But I said it was an objectively good movie. I just didn't like it, the writing, the things that happened. Now, years later, after having had more life experience, I feel that the writers of this movie did everything right, as it pertained to the lessons and morals of the human experience and the events of history. I don't have to like it. It's not for me to enjoy as entertainment. That's not what that movie was. I am sorry I didn't praise the script for its adherence to the human condition. I tend to be an escapist kind of person who just wants to use fiction and fantasy to depict perfect paradise worlds that are fun and colorful and lack real danger. But the harshest realities will make their way to your spiritual doorstep if you're alive on Earth. Try all you want to go live free and happy in your own perfect personal private property paradise. The masculine energies of survival, fear, lust, strength, and determination will find their way to you. Try to see the world as this beautiful fun carousel ride, and you will still eventually get assaulted, depending on who you are. Josslyn went to another country and got assaulted. She thought she was Lara Croft. Assaulted how? The details I do not know. Strange devils taunted her in the comments on her videos. "I like this seemingly change in your voice, Josslyn" Eva Zu Beck mighta gotten assaulted, but it didn't take her as long to catch on to the brutal nature of the agonies that drive individuals to seek desperate relief from the empty freezing winds of the spiritual desert that scrape into their heart with every waking second, as they seek relief in the simple touch of another human body. But that other human body desperately does not want to know your pain at all, does not want your energy. No one does. No one on the Earth, or in the sky above. Jesus wept, for God incarnated on Earth and gave himself to the trauma of the human condition. And still we suffered another four thousand years of darkness, persecution, the stagnancy of the privileged and the gnashing of the wild teeth of the downtrodden who never had a chance to choose anything for themselves, let alone cake. Billionaires and privileged royal bloodlines care not for the needs and yearnings and life experiences of those born far away from them, down in the pits. And who chooses to split cells in the cemetery slums of the underworld? Those who drank themselves to death so many times, they've grown too accustomed to the long ago sacrifices of what once made them human. As above, so below indeed.

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