2024.12.16 Setting Up Chapters Of Tax Payers Associations & Tariffs

6 hours ago

2024.12.16 Weekly Meeting
Setting Up Chapters Of Tax Payers Associations & Tariffs

PRIVATE PROSECUTIONS against a Public Official

Question: Did the public official commit a "crime"?
Answer: An elected official has a duty called "due diligence".
If they don't do it, you REMOVE them. IMMEDIATELY.

Ask a lawyer...
4 Legal Terms to know for Private Prosecutions:
1. DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE: (reckless indifference or conscious avoidance)
Did the Official:
(a) choose to remain ignorant despite being told of harm,
(b) disregard risk of harmful actions, &/or
(c) disregard the harm their actions cause/d.

2. WILLFUL BLINDNESS: Did the Official:
(a) deliberately avoid knowledge of a crime,
(b) fail to investigate when asked, &/or
(c) refuse to investigate because they already knew.
For example, refusing to look inside an unmarked package after being paid by a known drug dealer to deliver it.

3. RELIANCE*: Was there:
(a) a dependency or TRUST created with the elected Official,
(b) a duty to do what benefits the TRUST, and
(c) a reliance on them not to breach or cause detriment.

4. DETRIMENTAL RELIANCE: Did you:(a) rely on the Official to act in your best interest,
(b) believe their elected "promise" was as enforceable as a "contract" (promissory estoppel), and
(c) experience harm by their actions.
*NOTE: "RELIANCE" serves as a substitute for "consideration" in contract law.
Fraud Vitiates All..

The Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick
into One Dominion under the Name of CANADA.


Oaths and Affirmations of Office and Allegiance:
Every public servant must swear or affirm the Oath of Office, and most public servants must also swear the Oath of Allegiance. This is part of the ethical framework set out in the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 (PSOA). For information about the oaths, please email HRPolicyteam@ontario.ca

Oaths and Affirmation of Office and Allegiance
Public Service of Ontario Act, Regulations 373/07
Instruction for Oaths Administrators

Meeting ID: 925 900 8609
Passcode: 547803

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