JUAN O SAVIN- God's Grace in Trying Times- Francine Fosdick 12 17 2024

2 months ago

Francine Fosdick Hosts Juan with an Early Morning show and takes a moment to discuss God's involvement in our lives and the Good the Bad and the UGLY nature of our FAITH and our WILL to seek HIS face and receive HIS GLORY. Juan shows us the mundane and comes up with an important aspect.. diversion. When you are doing a PSYOP on a public ripe to be side tracked with delusion from BOTH SIDES we can be easily led to a conclusion that does not make sense. ILLUSION is the WIZARD and MAGICIANS tricks. To have FAITH to have FAITH is to be FAITHFUL.

The link at the beginning with Frank Sinatra is here with the Drone interaction at the end. https://rumble.com/v5zqym8-my-way-frank-sinatra-scotty-mar10-12-15-2024.html
The explanation of the way that nuclear materials can be spread is detailed and worth thinking about. During Gamma Radiation bursts from the Galactic Center just like the release of Radioactive Materials... I advise people to take Nascent Iodine. In drops or spray.. that protects you from absorbing the airborne particulate that can damage your Thyroid Gland. It is also sold as Povidone but do not use Iodine for wounds!
Juan does share again the Occulted Numbers of Prince William as well... and here is that link. Kal Dani is also on X.com now. https://kaldanis.blogspot.com/
Missed this at first but this is the website where you can learn how numbers work in the Bible. It is very comprehensive. Please reference this for Bible Study. https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/introduction.html
The other topic is the NDE and that we will see God's Timing in HIS GRACE to save the Country.. so be more Prayerful and less likely to err during this time. And they discuss Churches that are acting not so GODLY with the reality of Worship of Idols and the expression of Worldly Values. And most importantly following MAN not GOD.
Exodus 20:3-6
“You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

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