Burn: New Beginnings (part 9)

2 months ago

*Needing supplies, and not having had word from the outside in over a year, Burn is ordered by Traul and others who command his underground base to send out a convoy of Marines. Burn objects. Already it is well known that any infected with the 9th plague can retain memories from when they were uninfected, he knows if the convoy falls it means they can come back bringing other infected, and since the underground base still has hydroponic bays able to grow food and filter water for at least a decade more going out is foolish. But command doesn't just want supplies they want answers as to why they've lost contact with those above so Burn begs to lead the convoy yet that too is rejected. The convoy goes only to return as Burn feared, infected and bringing a horde right to the base. Burn fights, but it is a lost cause. He cannot save all so he goes only for the two he cares about the most. He save Gabriella and Reign yet fails to get Traul who's last gasp at saving himself is to take a recently made serum that might be the cure for the 9th plague or might not. All that is known is that it is a serum the infected seem both enthralled by and terrified of as they gather around it and Traul yet refuse to attack [AI Art]*

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