
3 months ago


#澳大利亞 :「 #渦輪癌症 將像野火一樣蔓延,兩年內將導致數十億人死亡」

#Australia : ' #TurboCancer to Spread Like Wildfire and Kill BILLIONS in 2 Years'


令人不寒而慄的新發現是,澳大利亞官員現在警告說, #渦輪癌 將在未來兩年內像野火一樣蔓延,導致全球數億人死亡。

在 #人民之聲 ,我們一直在對這一結果發出警告,我們懷著沈重的心情報告說,我們最擔心的事情已經得到證實。

「一切即將崩潰」的聲明標誌著世界上 #疫苗接種 最多的國家之一做出了令人震驚的承認,這不僅僅是一個健康警告,更是對全球疫苗接種運動嚴重後果的絕望承認。

In a chilling new revelation, #Australian officials are now warning that turbo cancer is set to spread like wildfire in the next two years, killing hundreds of millions around the globe.

Here at The People’s Voice, we’ve been sounding the alarm about this very outcome, and with heavy hearts, we report that our worst fears have been confirmed.

The announcement that “all hell is about to break loose” marks a shocking admission from one of the most #Vaccinated nations in the world. This is not just a health warning—it’s a desperate acknowledgment of the severe consequences of the global vaccination campaign.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v5yca3b-australia-turbo-cancer-to-spread-like-wildfire-and-kill-billions-in-2-years.html

#Australia #mRNA #Depopulation #Pifzer #CovidJab #CovidVaccine #Eugenic #BillGates #不良反應 #疫苗不良反應 #疫苗副作用 #副作用 #嚴重副作用 #死亡 #疫苗後遺症 #疫苗災難 #VaccineInjury #疫苗傷害 #VaccineDeath #疫苗致死 #ExcessDeath #超額死亡 #死亡潮

(感謝 香港大覺醒頻道 分享影片)

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