8 CHOC. SUPERHOTS! Pods by Linda's Fiery Treats, and Lonestar Mastiff Farms! The pursuit of PAIN!

2 months ago

Join me, Johnny Scoville, as I take on my 601st challenge! Today, I'm pushing my limits by devouring 8 scorching hot chocolate superhot peppers. These fiery pods were expertly grown by Linda's Fiery Treats and Lonestar Mastiff Farms.
Half of the peppers I'm tackling are the infamous Chocolate Primotaliis, which holds the distinction of being the 2nd hottest pepper I've ever had the pleasure of eating. I'm on a mission to trigger an intense endorphin dump, and these superhots are sure to deliver!
Watch as I put my taste buds and stomach to the test. Will I emerge victorious, or will these chocolate superhots prove too much to handle?
#JohnnyScoville #SpicyFoodChallenge #HotPepperEating #ChocolateSuperhots #LindasFieryTreats #LonestarMastiffFarms #EndorphinDump

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4764 E. Sunrise Dr. #173
Tucson Az. 85718


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