Foreward by Jerzy Karwelis

2 months ago

In early December 2024, there was a conference held in the Polish parliament, under the patronage of MP Grzegorz Płaczek, under the title “WHO - an introduction to the missing debate.” The intention of the organizers was to present the one-year work of the parliamentary team on WHO and to initiate a public debate on the World Health Organization.
We already know that there will be no debate, because those in power, politicians, officials and the mainstream media avoid it. We sent invitations to all deputies and senators (560 people), invited the authors of the legal analysis prepared by experts from the University of Wroclaw, invited employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health, informed media representatives. None of the invited guests came except for four MPs, two of whom were members of the Parliamentary Team.
Why do those in power so blatantly disregard the taxpayers who make up their salaries? For the past two years, dozens of conferences, protests have been held, petitions, letters, requests, inquiries have been sent, all of which are ignored by those in power, and ignored or silenced by the media. For two years, there has been one broadcast in the Polish mainstream media showing the true picture of WHO and articulating concerns about the documents being pushed through the institution. Is the media afraid to touch a subject that appalls countless organizations, foundations, associations, lawyers, activists and ordinary people around the world?

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