Trump Responds To Drone Secrecy As Evidence Suggests It’s A Government Operation

2 months ago

I found the link to ths video at Telegram Telegram channel ( posted there on 12/17/24 ( The Telegram description includes the link to War Room with Owen Shroyer on which begins with the Star Spangled Banner at the Army-Navy Game 2024 then goes into Trump statement on NJ Drones:

“Donald Trump tells the American people the truth about the drones when no one from the Biden Administration will. Owen Shroyer then follows it up with what he believes is the exact drones being flown and the exact reason why they are being flown, with the evidence to back it up. Vaccine injured Veteran Karolina Stancik responds to President Biden extending immunity from lawsuits to the vaccine manufacturers, taking away one of the last outlets vaccine injured individuals had to find justice.

The episode is 2:14:25-Hours and was originally posted 12/16/24. The focus is on the drones but Shroyer tackles other subjects at about the 5:48 mark. At 17-Minute mark Shroyer begins talking about Trump Press Conference. At about the 27:30-Minute mark tilts toward Biden dementia as revealed via O’Keefe undercover reporting. My interest in this is the Drones. The of the Shroyer commentary are other issues. You might find it interesting because Shroyer spends time on the teenage transgender shooter killing people at a Wisconsin Christian School & O’Keefe looking at this NSA Appel fellow talking about Biden’s dementia being so bad he doubts Biden will live much longer. …AND MORE.

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