Drones Galactics / Manmade A Spiritual Perspective

2 months ago

Apologies for grainy lens quality - I had it on the wrong setting (!) - likely a message in itself though - don't fall for what 'they' are showing you or more importantly WHY it is being shown.. see through the fog of deliberately created confusion!!
Looking at the Drones over USA and seen in other places...
The latest scare tactic of a dying paradigm - teaching on rising above it, learning the lessons from such 'grand orchestrations' and humanity waking up to who is really behind the curtain...this includes OUR responsibility to raise the timelines and consciousness to what is really possible..
Is this Galactic or Man made and if man made from where..?
The energy of fear vs love, control vs freedom
Looking at the obvious timing, power of the mind, potential plans off the back of this, the staging of this 'production' being in three parts - we are only in part 1..
Also the potential impact on world religions, their geographical location, and the own goal scored as many look to the skies and start to ask the big questions..
Input and guidance from Commander Ashtar (indignation - you REALLY think that is us!), Archangel Metatron and Jesus.
Also TRUE Galactic contact and the inhumanity shown to our Star brothers and sisters - there was much truth in the film ET...no wonder he wanted to go home, not stay here! Let us continue to raise the vibration worldwide.
@AmandaEllis #drones #galacticfederation #ashtar #archangelmetatron

Cards from:
The Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Deck Amanda Ellis
The Mystical Shaman Oracle, The Citadel Fez Inkwright, Whispers of the Unsolved, Ashley Kester @thereckoningco

Aura and Connection Sprays:
Commander Ashtar - Galactic Federation Platinum Ray

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

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Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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