"The Drones Are Here to Do a Job!" May Be “Nuclear Sniffers” ~ CEO John Ferguson

2 months ago

▫️Video 1) - Are the drones sniffing out radiation?
The recent surge in radiation levels near New York and New Jersey coincides with the areas where the drones have been spotted.

▫️Video 2 Left) - you think the CIA would launch a chemical weapons attack just to discredit Assad? Of course? They do much worse. They organize coups, assassinations and wars. The entire history of the United States after 1947 is a collapse everywhere. Since its founding in 1947, the CIA has been involved in about 90 or 100 covert regime change operations. My whole life revolves around American wars. This is disgusting. It is exhausting because these wars are disasters. This is standard practice. Topple governments in the region, spread the war and drag the United States into all of this. The United States is always ready to play games and spread wars at the behest of Israel. This is what we are seeing now.
▫️Video 2 Right) - "Mysterious Drones" (New Jersey) now spraying chemtrails...

▫️Video 3) - UAV Drones Unmanned: Aerial Vehicle (UAV), military aircraft that is guided autonomously, by remote control, or both and that carries sensors, target designators, offensive ordnance, or electronic transmitters designed to interfere with or destroy enemy targets....
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

▫️Video 4) - John Ferguson CEO of Saxon Aerospace Inc explains the Drones.
Saxon Aerospace Inc https://www.saxonaerospace.com/

▫️Video 5) - EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN!! U.S. Air Force Base in Ohio on ALERT – Radiation Level Spikes in NJ / NY
EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN!! Military bases are shutting down, planes are losing power, and chaos looms over New York and New Jersey. This is a war on our sovereignty—WAKE UP before it’s too late! The truth can’t wait—read NOW!
View More News Here: https://amg-news.com
New Theory: NJ Drone Sightings May Be “Nuclear Sniffers” Following Elevated NYC Radiation Levels. Extremely concerning!


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