Funny Tot Boy Has A Mustache And Eyebrows Drawn On His Face

6 years ago

Toddlers are totally amazing! They are so incredibly cute and funny whatever they do, and I can never get bored watching their funny videos, but the one we have here is one of the best I’ve ever seen! It’s so hilarious that you really have to check it out! This video shows an adorable tot boy who is sitting in his high chair and eating some fruits, which isn’t necessarily entertaining by itself but wait, there’s more! This cute baby boy has something on his face that makes him utterly hilarious! His dad drew some funny mustache and big eyebrows on his face, and now he’s teasing him that he really grew old in such a short time! OMG, you have to see this! But the funniest thing is this lovely little boy has no idea what’s on his face, and still, he makes hilarious facial expressions that totally goes with his mustache and oversized eyebrows! LOL!

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