UKMFA - Disclaimer

2 months ago

Podcast Disclaimer

The people that make up the UK Medical Freedom Alliance, and our podcast guests, are all private civilians protected by the Geneva Convention.

The content of all of our broadcasts, written statements and articles are our personal experiences, observations and opinions and the information is for educational purposes only.

Many speaking on this platform are medical and legal professionals but are not providing medical or legal advice to you or to the public. The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from this podcast lies with you, the viewer and listener. Do your own research and use your discernment.

It is not our intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, convey false information, cause non-trivial psychological or physical harm, to conspire to blackmail, to coerce or to cause anxiety, alarm, distress to any man or woman. The information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.

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