How much is a LUXURY apartment in Tokyo? 🏠

3 months ago

$6 Mil apartment in central Tokyo:

Today's apartment:

American Life Real Estate:

2LDK 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen
寒い さむい cold (for weather)
冬  ふゆ  winter
物件 ぶっけん  property (as in home)
洋室  ようしつ  western-style bedroom (no tatami mats)
大理石  だいりせき marble
ポトフ Pot-au-feu (French dish of boiled meat and vegetables)
ほぼほぼ almost
まちかね(の) long-awaited
平成時代 へいせいじだい Heisei era (Jan 8, 1989 to April 30, 2019)
令和時代 れいわじだい Reiwa era (May 1, 2019 to present)
食事する  しょくじする to eat
ここで食事がしたい  ここでしょくじがしたい  I want to eat here
憧れる あこがれる  to long for, to admire, to yearn for
乾杯  かんぱい  cheers (said before drinking)
港区  みなとく  Minato Ward (area containing Roppongi)
出身  しゅっしん born in (place)
港出身 みなとしゅっしん born in Minato Ward
Note the difference between 出身 and 生まれ
Example: “born in Minato Ward” is 港出身 but “born in 1998” 1998生まれ
珍しい めずらしい rare, unusual
壁紙  かべがみ  wallpaper
特殊な とくしゅな special
落ち着いた色 おちついた calm color
テレワーク  working from home
プラモデル plastic model
お洒落  おしゃれ beautiful, fashionable
化粧する けしょうする put on make up
化粧品  けしょうひん make up
縁 ふち edge
カビ   mold
高級ホテル  こうきゅうホテル luxury hotel
梅雨 つゆ rainy season
夏 なつ summer
春 はる spring
冬 ふゆ winter
秋 あき autumn
四季 しき 4 seasons
Yシャツ dress shirt (because they’re shaped like a Y)
CM commercial (TV)

ちなみに by the way
1億円  100 million yen

Note: とか is used often in informal conversation when listing things in a non-exhaustive way, signaling that there are more items that can be listed.
Think of it as an informal way of saying など
魚とかステーキとか好きです。I like things like fish, steak, and so on.
みんな is translated as “everyone” but it can also apply to inanimate objects
みんな高いと思います I think they’re all expensive, or everything is expensive.
とんでもない unbelievable
Note: とんでもない can also be used to say, “No problem.”
仲介 ちゅうかい intermediary
手数料 てすうりょう fee
過剰な かじょうな excessive
暗算な数字 あんざんなすうじ doing math in one’s head
100万 1 million 
売主  うりぬし  seller

NOTE: The phrase "よろしくお願いします" (よろしくおねがいします) is a versatile Japanese expression that can have different translations depending on the context. Here are some serious and commonly used translations:

Nice to meet you - Used when meeting someone for the first time, particularly in a professional or formal setting.
Example: "I'm Tracy, nice to meet you" when introducing oneself.

Please take care of it - When you're entrusting something to someone or asking for their cooperation.
Example: After asking someone to handle a task, you might say this to show your reliance on them.

I look forward to working with you - Often used at the start of a business relationship, partnership, or project.
Example: Starting a new job or project with someone.

Please take care of me - This can be used when you are in a position where you need someone's guidance or support, like starting a new job or joining a new team.
Example: A new employee might say this to their new colleagues.

Please do your best - When you want to encourage someone to do well with whatever they're about to undertake.
Example: Before a performance or event.

Thank you in advance - When you're asking for a favor or expecting someone to do something for you.
Example: After making a request, this can be a polite way to acknowledge their future effort.

Please be kind to me - This can be used in situations where you're asking for leniency or kindness, often in a humbling or submissive context.
Example: When asking someone more senior or experienced for guidance.

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