Little Boy Falls Out Of Chair Backwards Then Says "I'm OK!"

6 years ago

This video is so funny! It tells a story about two kids who were up for some shenanigans and it’s totally hilarious. If you are in the mood for a good laugh, you have to check it out! As the clip begins, you can see a little boy and a little girl playing in an office corner. It seems like they are both pretending that they are adults and that they have some serious business to attend to. LOL! This makes me think of my childhood and all those situations when my brother and I pretended to have serious business conversations on the phone, just like our parents. But enough about me! Let’s get back to the kids in this video. All of a sudden the little boy gets too excited and falls backward out of his chair. LOL! And the funniest part is when he raises his arm and says "I'm ok!" So funny!

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