Why You Are Not Achieving Your Life Goals. Why Feel Unfulfilled, Powerless, and Overwhelmed.

2 months ago

I feel stuck in life and it is affecting my mental health, what do I do?

Is this you? Do you have this question in your mind and struggling to answer it?

Well, today is your lucky day. Because we have the answer for you. Here is what you should do!

Option A: When you don't know why you are stuck.

If you feel stuck, then it makes sense that you spend time trying to understand why you are feeling stuck. And usually, most people feel stuck because of one of these 8 reasons. It could also be for a combination of 2 or more of them. Here are the 8 reasons:

1. Lack of clarity. In other words, they do not know what they want, and because they do not know, it keeps them feeling stuck.

2. They know what they want but they do not know where to start. This causes them to struggle to define what life goals they want to achieve.

3. Even if they know where to start, they struggle with how to take the first step. They lack of the method to move from thinking to taking action on their thoughts.

4.They do not have a process to follow. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. There are proven successful processes out there already. There is no need to re-invent the wheel, but they foolishly refuse to accept help.

5. They do not follow through and execute their plan until the end usually because of several reasons such as distractions, or they easily forget about their goals in the middle of other priorities. Sometimes they give up at the first signs of challenges or difficulties.

6. Fear of failure keeps them refusing to take risks. They keep thinking ‘’what if I spend years trying to achieve this and it fails?

7. Self-confidence and Self-doubt. Frequently dealing with feelings of insecurity that holds them back from believing in themselves. And not only that, also dealing with feelings of inadequacy, frequent second-guessing, and worrying.

8. Procrastination. Putting off a task or goal when they know it must be done. They suffer from feelings of being overwhelmed.

Option B: When you already know why you are stuck.
If you already know why you are stuck, now we move to the next step which is self-awareness. And what I mean by self-awareness is the ability to define 2 things:

1. Who you are and what you stand for? For example, what are your values and core beliefs.

2. What do you want to achieve? How do you envision and define success and happiness in life?

After Options A & B are finished, you move to the next stage which is making a plan to achieve what you defined, change your mindset to one of enjoying the process, and take risks by recognizing that failing and trial and errors are normal and ok.

But my dear friend, we have made the process very easy for you. Please visit us at breakouttools.com to take advantage of a proven method to get you the life goals success you want. It is not only proven but unique, step-by-step, and as easy as 1 2 3 to implement.

Life Goals Achievement Success Guides. As well as helping you defeat: Lack of focus | Fear of failure | Lack of commitment | Lack of a plan | Procrastination | Lack of confidence | Analysis paralysis | Unrealistic goals | Lack of motivation. So you can live the life you love and love the life you live.
Visit us - https://breakouttools.com

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