2 months ago


When Christ returns come Judgement Day
Heaven and earth shall pass away
The chaff He'll burn the wheat He'll save
When Christ returns come Judgement Day

Christ shall come upon the clouds
When the seventh trumpet sounds
The righteous wear a golden crown
Evil shall be thrown down

Oh Judgement Day Oh Judgement Day
Jesus wash my sins away
It's comin' closer day by day
Jesus wash my sins away

Come judgement day Come judgement day
Christ shall call each one by name
The dead shall rise up from their graves
Christ shall call each one by name

All the ones in the Book of Life
Shall live forever with Jesus Christ
For by His blood He saves His own
The Lamb who stands before God's throne

Oh Judgement Day Oh Judgement Day
Jesus wash my sins away
It's comin' closer day by day
Jesus wash my sins away

The wicked cast out from the light
Shall perish in eternal night
The wicked then shall have no rest
Cast down to eternal death

When Christ returns come Judgement Day
Heaven and earth shall pass away
The chaff He'll burn the wheat He'll save
When Christ returns come Judgement Day

Oh Judgement Day Oh Judgement Day
Jesus wash my sins away
It's comin' closer day by day
Jesus wash my sins away

Lyrics and music by
Joseph S Perna
Copyright 2023

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