Freemasonry & Faith: Insights from Dr. Ron Carlson’s Sermon

30 days ago

I recorded this from the Frank Speech app when it aired on October 16, 2021. It’s an old sermon, and I’m unsure of the original date. In it, Dr. Ron Carlson, the late founder and president of Christian Ministries International (he passed away on June 16, 2011), shares his insights and experiences about secret societies, particularly the Freemasons.

I have many friends who are Masons, and some were upset when I expressed my concerns based on what I learned from this video. As a Christian—born again and a follower of Jesus Christ—I care deeply about their spiritual well-being. My prayer is that they would be open to Christ again, turn away from sin, and seek His forgiveness. I truly believe the enemy has deceived and drawn many Freemasons away from the truth of Christ, and with Jesus’ return coming closer every day, I’m deeply concerned.

If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, I urge you to get right with God. You’ll find the answers in His Word, the Holy Bible. I recommend reading the NKJV, KJV, or NIV versions.

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