Powerful words to bring down this evil CABAL - Rise up, stand tall, do NOT comply - Slow Talker

4 hours ago

A good set of Ear Phones will enhance this video 100%.

Powerful words can inspire people to such a degree as to topple dictators around the world. Many of these evil demons have fallen over the years in several countries because of the courage and the heart of such spokespeople like Winston Churchill. Martin Luther King, Abe Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy are others who have inspired nations to rise up. But there is another less known man from Northern England who is just as courageous and inspirational. Have a listen to his strong words of warning to this evil Cabal and what the people must do to win this war.

- TheSkullbasher500 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRrxo9wfpDU&;t=254s
- Pick Yourself Up and Fight - Free Range Slave
The background Music was inserted by Free Range Slave

SLOW DOWN - Nichole Nordeman
THE MAN IN ME - Ewan Cunningham

Mirrored - wil paranormal

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