2 months ago

Eph. 6:12 makes it very clear that, as born again Christians, we are involved in warfare! But it is not NORMAL warfare! It is a battle that involves supernatural beings that, to the natural mind would make the scariest horror movie seem like a Micky Mouse cartoon! And, we are smack dab in the middle of it!
Most Christians that I have talked too over the years have no idea what the warfare is all about, who the enemy is, and how we are too fight these monsters! Over many years of study I have learned just a bit about this battle.
So, I have attempted to put down some practical suggestions in story form. The story has angels, demons, preachers, prostitutes, and one little old lady hero. PLUS, a great deal of practical suggestions on how to approach the issue.
I invite you to go to Amazon, type in T. Ralph Turner books, and get your copy in Kindle, Paper Back, or Hard Back. Then, email me at tralphturner@gmail.com with questions, suggestions, or just a good ole "what are you talking about!" To many, this is a little talked about subject. Also, there are a couple of research subjects that you might find mind-boggling!
So, keep lookin' up...HE'S COMING SOON!!!

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