B571 – Dec 15, 2024 Vows To Yehovah

7 hours ago

This Berean Bible session deals with promises and vows that people try to make with Yehovah, instead of seeking His Will and Plan for their life.

There are many situations in the Old Testament where people made solemn promises to Yehovah, trying to get His Attention, or to change the results in their situation. Vows and promises are not sinful, but need to made in a serious manner, without boasting or prideful intentions.

Wedding vows, promises between friends, and even prayers asking God to help you accomplish great things, all can be appropriate, but God’s Will and desires for His Children should always be the top priority and nothing else should take that place. Focus on always being trustworthy and let your oath be the testimony that your promises are always true.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

PDF Outline for B571: http://gofile.me/5EF9u/uICaphtpE (BFGC)

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