SDG 686 2024 End Game Update #51 “Got Peace?”

2 months ago

We all want to know the truth about what’s really going on here in this crazy, confusing, often times chaotic world. So be sure to listen in for the forbidden news that you'll never hear on the Fake News and later in the message we’ll tie it all into the second attribute of our waiting on Jesus AKA Advent and that is Peace.

The Bible says in Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts. Be thankful.

So stay tuned to learn how this peace which surpasses all understanding will: LITERALLY come to those of us who remain faithful in the midst of our storms as this peace of God displaces our anxiety and is revealed to us to be The Person Jesus.

The bottom line folks is that as believers we may be in this world but we are not of this world and as God’s people we are just pass in’ through. So let’s all REFUSE to be destroyed by this Luciferian all out war on humanity and be sure to stay tuned in to find out the latest news that the MSM will never tell you as we dive deeper and deeper into America’s new 911 events which are unfolding in slow motion while on steroids, but remember, it all started with this lab engineered, media manipulated, corona Virus Heist!

And don’t fall victim to the next scamdemic, Pandemic 2.0!

And don’t let this Drone story from New Jersey rob your peace!

Also the United Healthcare story isn’t being truthfully told by the Mainstream Media!

So what does the victim Brian Thompson, the alleged assassin Luigi Mansion and Nancy Pelosi have to do with one another??? Well tune back next week to find out!

But for right now I pray that you allow the peace of God to fill your hearts!

“Love, Joy and Hope” By Seth Liebowitz

Bro Ken holding the new puppy Grace with Joy standing watch!

Seth with General Flynn and his new painting of Trump Praying for America.

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