Ventura County Health SCare Going After Trump Supporter Kids

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Alex Jones: They're hyping all this fear. What do you think they're planning? You were shaking your head a lot during that. What's going on here?
Judy Mikovits, PhD: They're doing the exact same thing they did before. They're injecting our kids. They're targeting Trump-Kennedy supporters. Our newsletter yesterday shows you they literally went through the records against the law and said, You have inadequate immunization, and now we get to inject pertussis. Oh, you mean whooping cough? Yes. The vaccine that doesn't work. What's going on is they failed the first time, and they're never going to stop injecting those deadly shots. Joe Ladapo and DeSantis were there saying, no more COVID shots. Well, the Ventura County Health Scare system went through and found Trump supporters. Oh, why don't we say like FEMA and went through their records and say, you have inadequate immunization? No, they don't have any immunization, because vaccination is not immunization.

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 12/05/2024

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