What will be Justin Trudeau's Next Job?

1 month ago

Chrystia Freeland the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance has Resigned.

Justin Trudeau also might be resigning as a factor to this.

There is also a by-election in the Langley-Cloverdale District today as of this call from Freeland.

We all know that the Conservatives are going to sweep her seat as this incompetent government has failed.

This guy does a great view on what Trudeau's next career will be.Like this lady said, If you don't like this country leave. The only reason you should be in this country is that you love this country and you are proud to be standing on the ground of freedom. Millions of people died achieving where we are today and if you don't appreciate what we have to offer than you can go right back to the sandbox.

To this lady, I applaud you for standing up for this country and what is right. Its not easy being the person standing for the issues we have in Canada.

To the ter*or loving people from the sandbox. If you are going to protest about something that has nothing to do with us. Go there and protest while eating from the dirt you came.

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