Oak Hill Church of Christ 12-15-24 Message: "Majesty In The Mundane"

1 month ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the blessing of Christ's entry into the world and revelation to the humble.

Though both Joseph and Mary were connected to the line of David, they were certainly not living the way we would consider appropriate for a prince and princess. By the time of Jesus, the throne had been empty for hundreds of years. Joseph and Mary were average people living an average lifestyle in the average corner of the world during one of the most average and peaceful periods in history.

God shows His love for us in that He does not only come to great people at great times. Instead, He comes to average people at average times. Christ did not come into the world to be praised, but to save. Christ continues to come into our hearts today for the same reason. God is not offended by a messy life the same way He is not offended by a dirty manger. Don't think you have to have a perfect life and perfect heart in order to invite Christ in.

The message from God at Christmas is that He has come through His Son in order to save, not to bear witness to our ability to save ourselves. God accepts your broken life, because He's come to fix it. More than that, Jesus came for you, specifically. He knows your needs.

If it's been a while since you've invited God in and talked to Him, why not try it during the Christmas season?

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