Labour Triggers Public HORROR & Starmer Cops It Most Of All!

2 months ago

Right, so whilst Keir Starmer’s Labour see their polling go into free fall faster than a bungee jumper with a lead weight attached, with mutinous grumblings happening already amongst backbenchers that Starmer & Reeves are leading them to utter destruction as a party, Starmer himself has committed what I would argue the most cardinal sin a man with his background could, because for as much as he’s widely despised for hitting pensioners, threatening benefit claimants, out fashing Nigel Farage over migrants and sending the economy into decline with that George Osbornomics omnishambles of a budget, not to mention of course the matter of supporting war crimes by still aiding and abetting Israel, his attack on the justice system really ought to be the wake up call for anyone still hanging in there who voted for him and still giving him a chance to prove himself, because here we having taking a big Boxing Day style dump on his own profession, his own career history, everything he has made a name for himself over, for good or ill and this matters because it strikes at the very heart of everything this guy believes in, or we thought he did with his barrister and KC track record and if this is what he actually thinks of it, if this is what he wanted to do, no wonder people don’t consider him a serious legal professional, especially in light of various scandals attached to his name, because he’s proving them right and questions everything he says he believes in, because if he can do this, does he really believe in anything?
Right, so Keir Starmer is once again at the centre of another policy scandal and the reason for that is because of his background as a lawyer, we’re talking judicial reforms here, but these are anything but good, these are frankly insane and screams of a deranged commitment to not put money into anything, but to resolve governmental problems Labour inherited on the cheap.
Starmer has traded on his background in law, as a KC as a Director of Public Prosecutions overseeing the Crown Prosecution Service as a driving factor in selling him as someone who can get things done, as a go getter, as a fixer, but what he is now proposing to do in the judicial system now gives the total reverse view of that and once more tells people that this guy that we’re seemingly stuck with for the next 4 and a half years as Prime Minister, just told those stories of his time as DPP, repeated ad nauseum as they were to sell him to us, were nothing he believed in at all, not even believing it seems in the importance of due diligence in the judicial process which strikes at the centre of what he is planning to do.
The Tories, as they did with most things, left the judicial system in a complete and utter state, but with people like Dominic Raab – twice - and Brandon Lewis, amongst a too large number of others having held that role in recent years for the Tories, it’s little wonder it was in a complete state.
The role now, is held by Shabana Mahmood, but forget about her for a moment, because there is little reason on the face of it, no matter who the PM or Justice Secretary is, to hope matters are going to be fixed meaningfully, when on one hand they’ve literally handed the job of conducting a review into the courts system to yet another former Tory Justice Secretary, in this case Theresa May’s chap David Gauke.
Remember Starmer talks about standing for change? How is it change when former Tories who held the role previously are now doing work for Labour? All in it together, absolutely they are.
Now Gauke wasn’t a fan of those who came after him, notably the blonde buffoon Boris Johnson, but if moderate Toryism is where Labour under Starmer is now, well, it’s not what people voted for, but it isn’t a surprise to a lot of us either. That said, what is being proposed here is anything but moderate and if you’re wondering if I’m ever getting to that by now, yes, I am, now the groundwork has been set.
Gauke’s recommendations came out on the 12th December, to absolutely zero fanfare in the mainstream media. I went looking for coverage on it in the MSM as I often do, to see what they’ve said and often more importantly what they haven’t, and aside from an Independent story the day before release, you’d think nothing at all was happening to our justice system, it is quite bonkers how badly our media are failing us, especially when the ramification of what is going on are so important.
Whilst on the subject of the media though, one consequence of Gaule’s work is the launching of a review now into our criminal court system is going to be conducted by Brian Leveson, the same guy who made recommendations into media reform of which half of it got ditched and never became law, because it didn’t suit our politicians, yet when it comes to how n’er -do-well’s in our society face justice? Well that could be another matter. Leveson did good work on media reform though, it’s a pity his full recommendations were not adopted, so we can hope that his review of what Starmer and Co want to do will go a long way to rubbishing these plans which will I’m sure hamper Starmer’s reputation all the harder as well and deservedly so.
Gauke’s recommendations are quite mad as you’d expect Tory plans to be and Starmer and Mahmood’s support for them is equally as daft too, thank goodness for the review, though as we know from Leveson’s last one, they aren’t legally binding or will necessarily be adopted, but we should be concerned by this.
The main cause for concern is in relation to court case backlogs. Right now, rape victims for example, have to wait 48 weeks before their case comes to trial, almost a year. Between 2014 and 2023, so entirely on the Tories watch, waiting times for cases in relation to the crimes of rape, murder and GBH all rose by an average of 12 weeks and I was minded to note that this time frame, very much coincides with David Gauke’s time as Minister of Justice, the last days of the Theresa May government from 2018 until Johnson took over in July of 2019, so he was literally part of the problem, but sure, get him to come up with a solution to something he helped to screw up now, that’s bound to fill us with confidence!
Of the murder trials held in this country last year, 36 were delayed, which is an increase of 350% over 2014 and despite promises by the Tories to cut the backlog of cases by 7000 in 2021, they actually saw it increase by more than 7000, which is exactly what you expect from the Tories every time they are in power. Right now there is a backlog of more than 73,000 cases in England and Wales and it is set to get worse.
So what is the solution to this that Starmer is apparently backing then? What did David Gauke and others it has to be said, the Crown Prosecution Service itself for another, come up with by way of suggestion to solve the backlog?
More money for the Criminal Justice System? More resources? Some investment? Paying barristers properly, having gone on strike themselves in recent times? How about just increasing the number of judicial sitting days? Maintain the buildings better maybe? I mean this is what the service needs and all of that amounts to more money, so to nobody’s surprise whatsoever since we’re talking both blue and red Tories here, that is absolutely not what they are proposing, this is far worse, this is worse beyond silly, because to get the backlog down, some crimes will now no longer be subject to jury trials. Juries, you know, that group of people who decide between them whether or not you’re guilty or innocent. Doing away with them is the answer for certain crimes. What crimes? Well, that is the subject of the review to be conducted by Brian Leveson, but right to trial by jury being considered to be dropped, what kind of judiciary could contemplate such a thing, especially in preference to just putting in the investment the service quite obviously needs? What kind of legal figure would consider that? Well, Keir Starmer apparently, reviews don’t just happen with out his sign off of course, there’s money for reviews when we already know lack of investment is the crux of the matter, but more money is never an option where it is needed departmentally and in the services we all need and rely on.
My barrister friend Jane Heybroek summed it up in one sentence on Twitter, saying:
‘What kind of "Labour" government, led by a PM who is a KC, proposes that the way to deal with the huge problems in the criminal justice system caused by years of underfunding is to do away with jury trials for some crimes? Good God!’
She’s far from the only one kicking off about this nonsense and aiming it squarely at Starmer given his legal professional background, but equally it’s got other’s crawling out of the gutter to define their own warped views of what constitutes justice and of course Starmer can be blamed for a lot of this too. Where he is constantly bashing migrants, cue the knuckle draggers with union flags in their bios squealing about locking up illegals and bringing back the death penalty.
The only saving grace here is that Brian Leveson is involved, and doing the review. I hope it points out precisely the problems in the service and that they cannot be solved by cutting corners because what will happen is more miscarriages of justice and when lives could face ruin for the sake of yet another government refusing to invest in the nation’s needs, it simply isn’t going to be acceptable. We need real change. Yet again Keir Starmer shows us that he absolutely isn’t it.
Meanwhile, it isn’t just ministers and those they’ve hired to help them do their jobs that are cracking the country up at the seams and bringing shame upon their departments, not to mention the country, sometimes they end up employing people so apparently egregious you literally have to hear them to believe them, such as the deranged rant of David Lammy’s Spad when he was a pushing a book some years ago, with views so appalling, how he now works in government is a question we deserve answers to! See it for yourself, hear it with your own ears in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch, please do like, share and subscribe to the channel as well before you do so if you haven’t done so already and help support this channel it rally is massively appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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