Anunnaki, A-Elohim, The Shining Ones, Remnant-Lumanians, Homo capensis, Ancient Monsters

2 months ago

2017 was the year this Annunaki video was produced... they still hide the elongated-skull, ancient-mankind that tried to f'k humanity out of existence, but their experiment failed.

You see, Homo capensis used to rule the planets of the proto-Saturnic solar system which included Mars, Earth, Titan, Triton, Enceladus, etc...

Why do I say this? Because the Mystery School cUlt of minions hide the true history of Earth and Saturn... their public-education-systems keep you dumbed-down. Universities are also Freemason, Templar, Luciferian-run to keep sheep dumb to real physics and history. But we are waking-up to their thUggery and genocide since Operation Covid-19 aka "Satan's Sheep-Slaughter" where no "bad virus" exists.

Once you expand your understanding how Earth got it's watery environment, you can see how the other moons and planets got the same water as Earth did from the Proto-Saturn:
When this video says Earth's axis inclination was 0-degrees in the past... that would have been when Earth orbited Proto-Saturn... when Earth was still accumulating water along with other planets and moons within the Brown-Giant-Star-womb.

I'm not a bible-thumper and I don't adhere to everything stated in it, cause I discovered that the Vatican outlawed any non-Latin bible in order to reduce contradictions. As we all can figure-out , the Vatican conducts deceptive Luciferian worship in Latin:

Where does the Remnant-Lumanian name come from for ancient-elongated-skull mankind?

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