CS Lewis Tears Down Relativism in The Great Divorce

13 days ago

In this 'spoiler free' #bookrecommendations, I analyze C.S. Lewis' profound allegorical work 'The Great Divorce'. The video explores how the book uses the metaphors of heaven and hell to argue against moral relativism and the notion that sincerity excuses error. I highlight key quotes and themes, such as the importance of controlling desires to do good, and how adherence to something wrong does not change its erroneous nature. The review delves into Lewis' critique of the New Age conception of God as fluid and lacking clear definitions of good and evil, contrasting it with his Christian worldview presented through the book's imaginative structure reminiscent of Dante.

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#booktube #books #CSLewis #TheGreatDivorce #allegory #relativism #morality #desire #goodandevil #NewAge #Christianity #Dante #biblio #cultist #cult

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