Jay Vanderwier Conviction - Appeal to Come 2025!

1 month ago

In January, I introduced you to Jay Vanderwier, a strong family-man, a Christian, and a patriotic Canadian, who had his truck parked at the front of the line in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy. The bed of his truck became the launchpad for "Live from the Shed" a Youtube livestream that received tens of thousands of views during the convoy. He was on trial earlier this year in Ottawa fighting multiple criminal charges, and on March 19, 2024, Jay was found guilty of two counts of mischief.

He was sentenced earlier this year, and according to the court jail was justified. Jay has already submitted his appeal of these charges, but needs your help to fund the costs.

The judge permitted Jay to serve the sentence in the community, with 45 days house arrest, and then 45 days of curfew. He was permitted to go to work and to attend church on Sunday. He then will have probation for a year. He also will have a criminal record.

I disagree with this ruling wholeheartedly. Everyone knows the Trucker Convoy started out as a protest that was fully accepted by local police. They told the trucks where to park, shut-down certain streets and ushered them onto Wellington and other areas to position them. Then at some point, the police changed their tune, and all of a sudden this protest became an illegal occupation. Where and when in law did that happen? There is no defined time, nor an answer to that question. The rhetoric of law enforcement and the government changed when it suited them to do so.

Jay is an upright and honest man who went to Ottawa based on conviction and principle. When other protestors come to Ottawa, Trudeau would gladly meet them, take a knee, drop the flag to half-mast for months on end, issue endless apologies, and more. But when these honest, hard-working Canadians came to Ottawa, he showed nothing but contempt. Through his cabinet, he tried to paint them as violent extremists and seditionists.

Jay is now appealing this charge, and needs your help to pay for his legal costs, please consider supporting Jay to clear his name, and to set a precedent that could help others.


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