Martial Law & COG | 40K FootView with JMC Ep. 32

1 month ago

Buy BaggyPants A Coffee:

- Derek responds to those who attack and or challenge his narrative

- Americans need to understand our duty per the Constitution and Declaration

- Hunter’s pardon. Will justice be served? Derek responds to this with important

- “Report on the Biden Laptop” by Marco Polo – crimes of the Bidens exposed pick up a copy at Amazon send as Xmas gift to non-believers

- Elements of distraction are part of the plan

- DJT will bring justice for those who brought us the China virus

- Supreme court case by an individual denied case to remove DJT due to the 14th amendment

- Laws and orders rule the day – National Guard tracked the elections via analog

- We are under martial – COG – Martial Law has not been publicly announced and
rightly so thus far

- Joe Biden is NOT President – his inauguration was actually his military funeral

- What is the EBS

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