The Tenpenny Files: On Your Health & More, with special guest, Celeste Solum

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Throughout history God has called certain women of God to step out from their household onto the global stage of history. Celeste Solum was born for such a time as this. God strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times.

Celeste maintains her strong faith with continual study from the primary languages and concepts of the Bible. Celeste Solum is an investigator, researcher, author, and broadcaster. Her background includes photojournalism, environmental medicine, government, military, and organic farming.

Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Her niche and coverage include the spiritual, current events, government, military and medicine. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is beings the 6th Extinction Level Event. on earth. Emerging technologies are being scaled to harness all life.

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