
3 months ago


Bio: Meditation Coach.
Still your Mind & feel your Heart.
credit: MusicbyCreatorMix.com

#BreakingNews, with the worlds first #digitalfortuneCookie,
#efortuneCookie, It is my #intention, to #manifest, in the #5D,
#higherconsciousness, #godwithin, and #IamthatIam,
through #meditation, #enlightenment,
#consciousness,#subconscious, #Iam, the #treeoflife,
#lifehack, #lifepurpose, #soulmission, and #destiny,
of the #144, #chosenones,with #lifepurpose, in #GODmode,
without #ego, in #3D,#4D, and #5D, the #fortuneCookietribe will
#levelup, with #extreme #vibrational,#frequency,#love, #abundance and in
#spirit, we have #holistichealth, #transmiting, #transmutational, #energy,
#throughout, the #uniVerse,in #oneSong, for the #NewEarth, our #tribe,
is #manifesting, and #meditating, our #higherSelf, #goodVibes,
with an #emotionalheart, #thewishfulfilled, #vibratons,#frequnecy
for all. #yes, #I, #ackknowledge, I have #commanded, this #manifest, I #created,
with my #word, with #Gratitude, for its #completion, #what, #else, #is, #possible, #for, #me,for
I #invite, #you, to #jamming, with me in my #24/7, #irl, #ZenGarden, for the #newYear, in #2025

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