🚨Raids against innocent people took place in Russia recently!

2 months ago

Who are they? Well they are ex members of Allatra who ceased their activities when Allatra was deemed an undesirable organization thanks to Alexander Dvorkin. Innocent people had their homes broken into, handcuffed and under duress a forced false testimony was constructed. Seems totally normal for Russia N ow the main we know who is really running Russia is elevating his level of violence and power usage. Will you stand by and watch. Look for more videos and don't be silent chime in!
Learn the Truth about ALLATRA IPM, visit the official website➡️ https://allatra.org
To learn more about the dangers of anticult organizations watch The IMPACT documentary!
The "IMPACT" presents facts and the absolute reality of the unseen side of our lives.➡️https://actfiles.org/the-impact-groundbreaking-documentary/ #allatra #allatramovement #anticultists #democracy #europe #awareness #globalthreat

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