Blitzer Tries To BULLY Rand Paul In Tense Exchange Over Trump

6 years ago

“I think it was a good thing that we continued to have ambassadors to Russia even when we really objected greatly to what was going on, even during Stalin’s regime,” he added. “So I think that it is a good idea to have engagement, and I think that what is lost in this, is that I think there’s a bit of ‘Trump derangement syndrome.'”

“I think there are people who hate the president so much that this could have easily been President Obama early in his first administration setting the reset button and trying to have better relations with Russia and I think it’s lost on people that they are a nuclear power,” Paul continued, “they have influence in Syria, they’re in close proximity to our troops in Syria, they are close to the peninsula of North Korea, they have some influence that could help us there.”

“But senator, it’s not a matter of hating President Trump,” Blitzer responded, “it’s a matter of what he did today, what he said today.”

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