The Light Gate Episode #086: Frank C. Feschino Jr.

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Discussion: The Braxton County Monster (aka: The Flatwoods Virginia Monster incident) and The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952 (as chronicled in his book, Shoot Them Down!)

Frank C. Feschino, Jr. is a graduate of the Paier College of Art in Hamden, Connecticut, where he studied illustration, commercial art, and photography. He was trained by several world-famous artists including Kenneth Davies, Rudolph Zallinger and John Massimino and earned his four-year Fine Arts diploma in 1981. Feschino later moved to Florida where he studied film and video production at Phillips Jr. College in Daytona Beach and was trained by Hollywood camera operator Rich Davis. In 1994, Frank graduated with an Associates Degree in Film and Video Production and a minor in Business.

While visiting family in Braxton County in the early 1990s, Feschino became aware of the "Flatwoods Monster" UFO crash incident in Braxton County that occurred on September 12, 1952 and began to investigate it. This case reportedly involved a UFO and its alien occupant, a 12-foot-tall armor-clad being that crash-landed on a farm in Flatwoods and encountered a curious group of local townspeople shortly after. Subsequently, he began an in-depth investigation into this case, which lasted decades and reveals a massive UFO cover-up implemented by the United States government. After decades of research and investigating the case, Feschino wrote a groundbreaking book that chronicles his investigation into the famous "Flatwoods Monster" incident. It is titled, "The Braxton County Monster - The Cover-up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed," which was later released into an "Updated and Revised" edition as his investigation continued and additional information obtained.

Frank has guest appeared on many West Virginia television talk shows, TV news broadcasts and radio programs and was also featured in the first-ever "Flatwoods Monster" cover story and feature article of UFO Magazine. The author/illustrator and UFO investigator also appeared in an episode of "Monster Quest" on the HISTORY CHANNEL that featured the "Flatwoods Monster" and "Frametown Monster" incidents of 1952. Additionally, Feschino produced a documentary that he wrote, shot and narrated, which focuses on his investigation into the "Flatwoods Monster" case and appears on you tube. After spending decades in search of the truth, Frank C. Feschino, Jr. has become the genuine authority on the "Flatwoods Monster" incident and UFO events of September 12, 1952.

Frank is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, “Shoot Them Down! The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952. Today, Frank Feschino, Jr. continues to be involved in UFO his research and currently resides in central Florida.

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