Tortures Faced by Former ALLATRA

1 month ago

Tortures Faced by Former ALLATRA

Participants |

Human Rights Violations

From December 10-12, the FSB raided more than ten homes of former ALLATRA participants in Russia, employing brutal tactics. One man was beaten severely, suffering a broken nose, rib, and concussion, then subjected to 48 hours of interrogation without proper care. A single mother of three was coerced, told she must sign false testimony against herself and others or lose her children to an orphanage and go to prison. She resisted, but they threatened her children again, saying, "You've got three kids-think with your head!"

An elderly woman was terrorized by being walked past a torture room with an electric shocker and a suffocation bag while being told her husband and lawyer had abandoned her -though the FSB intentionally kept them away. Interrogators even asked absurd questions like, "Do you go to the Orthodox church? Are you baptized?" One person was thrown into a detention center, and others now face criminal charges following forced confessions.

The scheme is clear: they raid homes, beat or threaten people, deny legal representation, exhaust them with prolonged interrogations, and force confessions to justify persecution. Why? For participating two years ago in ALLATRA-a peaceful international movement banned by Russia in August 2023 despite halting all activities in compliance with the law. ALLATRA focuses on climate issues, supports the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, has attended events like COP16 and COP29, and has received blessings from Pope Francis. The group is non-political and non-religious, yet faces smears as extremists from those using tactics similar to Soviet-style repression.

Those falsely accusing ALLATRA are employing the same methods themselves. Just as psychological pressure and discrediting articles preceded physical persecution in Russia, these tactics are used today on an international level. It's all a mirror method, a continuation of silencing voices-just like the 1930s. Are we going to remain silent again?

#ALLATRA #HumanRights

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